To notate thermoelectric coolers with a hole a system of notation of standard single-stage thermoelectric coolers with an index is used:
CH #8212; for rectangular modules with a central hole (for example #1058;#1042;-43-1.0-0.8CH).
2Ch # 8212;矩形模块与中央孔(例如# # 43-1.0-0.8ch 1042;1058;-)。
CHR #8212; for round coolers with a central hole.
CHR # 8212;与中央孔圆形冷却器。
(for example #1058;#1042;-19-1.0-1.3CHR).
(例如# # 1058;1042;- 19-1.0-1.3chr)。
R #8212; for round coolers (for example TB-253-1.4-1.5R)
R # 8212;圆形冷却器(例如tb-253-1.4-1.5r)